Greetings from Vicar David Hoth. I’ve met a number of you, but I’m sure I will meet more of you as time goes by. Paul writes that we all have our gifts; and if I was really gifted I’d be able to quote that verse without having to look it up. But I cheated and used my iPhone as a search tool while entering this on my iPadPro. So, from Romans 12: 6-8, the New International Version:
“We have different gifts, according to the grace given to eace of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.”
Some of you may say: “That’s not the way I learned that verse.” And that’s fine. Translations change. Times change. People change. With a church that was founded in 1829 there is a certain stability in who is in the pews on Sunday. And that too is fine. But change is a constant. And that’s most notable in the position of vicar. We come and go every year. This church gives a great opportunity to grow and stretch our knowledge and skills for ministry. And each of us have different gifts. How boring woud it be if Greg, Thomas, MJ, and I all arrived with the same skills, the same goods?
But that’s not what happens. We all arrive here from different backgrounds, with different gifts. Over the time we’re here we develop and grow. And so as this year’s model I have features that the previous vicars didn’t have, and the same with them. We all arrive with our God-given gifts and discern ways that we can use those gifts to God’s glory. None of us, in the pews or in the front, are the same people. And Thanks Be To God for that. I look forward to using my gifts in the service of this congregation and to the glory of God.
Welcome, Vicar and looking forward to working together in the coming year!