Dear friends in Christ,
This will be my last announcement to you as your vicar, and it’s definitely bittersweet. I’m excited at my future prospects of getting my first call (which have unfortunately been delayed a bit by the pandemic — but hopefully I’ll begin interviewing with some congregations in the Allegheny Synod by the end of the summer). But I’m also sad that my internship was during a pandemic and we didn’t get the opportunity to be together more. I thank you for your support over the past year and for allowing me to be part of the St. Matthias family. I’ll always have fond memories of my time spent here!
Celebrating our RIC Anniversary – A reminder that we will have a special guest joining us this Sunday, June 27, as we celebrate our second anniversary as a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) Congregation. The Rev. Dr. Guy Erwin, President of United Lutheran Seminary and former Bishop of the ELCA’s Southwest California Synod, will join us to preach and celebrate our anniversary. Dr. Erwin is the ELCA’s first gay, partnered bishop and the first openly gay male to serve in that office in the churches of the Lutheran World Federation. As an enrolled member of the Osage Nation, on whose reservation he was born in Oklahoma, he is the first Native bishop in the ELCA. Dr. Erwin was elected as synod bishop in 2013 and served in that role until his appointment as ULS president in 2020. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend, as we will host a reception brunch following worship to bid farewell and godspeed to Vicar MJ, welcome Vicar David, greet Dr. Erwin, and celebrate our RIC Anniversary!
Summer Newsletter – Please find a copy of the Summer Edition of the St. Matthias Newsletter attached below for you to read:
Next Week’s Annoumcements — Please note: there will be no announcements sent next week as Vicar David will be moving to Carlisle; he plans to have them ready for the following week.
Worship-at-Home Packets — During the seasons of Advent and Lent, we provided Worship-at-Home packets to help members stay connected while we were unable to worship in person during the pandemic. Although we are now gathering in-person, we are glad to provide Worship-at-Home packets for anyone who is unable to worship at the church. If you would like to receive packets for the current Season after Pentecost, please email or leave a message on the church voice mail (717-245-2475) and we will see that you get a set!
Prayer List – All those affected by Covid-19, all affected by gun violence in our nation, conflict and violence in the Middle East, those who are traveling during the summer months, Christian M. (Marines) and all military service personnel, Pam, Betty Lou, Mark, Pat, Seth, DJ, Margaret, Sally, George, Arleen, Greg, Charles, Carol, Darryl, Billie, Dave McAlicher, Wayne and family, Troy Snyder, Tim and Lisa Myers, the Hurley family, and all who ask for the Lord’s healing and mercy.
In Christ’s Love,
Vicar MJ