Greetings from a warm-but-not-hot June day. Pleasant. More of these please.
Worship for June 26, 2022 : We will be graced by Rev Carla Christopher Wilson in the pulpit. Rev Carla will be providing the sermon that day. This coming Sunday is the observation of St Matthias’ decision to become a Reconciling in Christ church 3 years ago. Welcome, Rev Carla! The service will include an order of Farewell and Godspeed for Vicar David Hoth. Vicar David’s internship with St Matthias ends on June 30. Finally, after the service there will be a reception in honor of the day. Come for the Word and Sacrament, stay for the cake.
Ruth Hoy : Her floor at Chapel Pointe is open again after being in a COVID lockdown. She and I sat together for bit . As I prayed The Lord’s Prayer she turned to me as if she recognized the prayer. At least that’s how I’m choosing to remember that moment. While in that part of town I stopped by and saw Treva Myers. We will continue to keep Treva, Tim, and Lisa on the prayer chain.
Prayer Chain: we lift to God Christian and all military personnel and first responders. We ask traveling mercies on those taking vacations this time of the year. For all the farmers, gardeners, and all who tend the soil we ask for good weather and abundant crops. For those without homes we ask for a place to live in safety. We lift before God and to God’s love Pam, Betty Lou, Bill, Pat, Seth, DJ, Margaret, George, Arleen, Greg, Ruth, Darryl, Billie, Dave, Tim and Lisa. We ask the Spirit to guide all those seeking calls within the Church . As St Matthias observes its decision to become an RIC church we remember those of the BIPOC/LGBTQIA+ community who are not able to truly and full express themselves as they are. May be be open to helping these children of God find their space in God’s world. All these things and those known only to God we lift to God’s care, love and grace. AMEN.
Be well children of God. See you in church on Sunday.