Almost halfway through December . And almost halfway through my internship. Not sure how those relate, but there you have it.
Mid-Week Advent Services conclude this week. A quiet time, with a few readings, some prayer, and space to think. Wednesday, 7 pm.
Christmas Project! St Matthias is doing a sock drive , start bringing them in. The idea is that for every pair of socks you own, bring in a pair that will be distributed to Carlisle Cares. No one from council will be coming to your house and checking your dresser drawers, but you get the idea. All types/ages/genders are welcome. Multiple-pair packs, say 6 pair of socks to a package, can be broken up by the agency. And if someone would think to pick up some compression socks for those with circulation issues, that’d be amazing. A laundry basket or two will be in the pews to begin gathering them, starting this Sunday December 19. Collection will run through January 9.
The Homeless Memorial Blanket Project will be held at First Lutheran Church in downtown Carlisle Tuesday, December 21. This will include the 10 quilts made by St Matthias. Vicar David will deliver these quilts and help with the installation and the event that evening. Stop by if you can. A number of agencies plan to be there discussing not only homelessness, but other related issues. Tuesday December 21 at First Lutheran in Carlisle.
Sunday December 19 is a busy day. After service the council will be presenting the budget for an approval vote by the congregation. copies of the budget will be available again. No one responded that they needed one after I offered last week, so you all have one?
In addition to the approval vote on the budget a vote for the 2022 Church Council will also be held. these people work very hard, and some of them have done so for many years.
And finally that day, Vicar will do a brief introduction to his Internship Project. The name of the project is Remembering the Children, and is an overview of the history of the Indian Schools, such as the Carlisle Indian School, within the US and Canada. The banners are orange for a reason, and they will hang for a specific number of days. If I write too much you won’t show up. December 19 : Two votes for the business of the church : budget and church council. And Vicar David’s Internship Project introduction.
Prayer Requests: A couple of big ones this week. Charles and Ruth Hoy need all the prayer you’ve got. Charles is now attended by home hospice, and between hospice professionals and family someone is at the house caring for Charles and Ruth 24 hours a day. With Charles his healing will not happen in this world, only the next. Family and I have all told him he is free to go to his eternal home. He hangs on. Ruth will be moved to a memory care facility this Thursday . Charles knows this transition is happening and has given his approval. Prayers of healing for Charles and Ruth as well as prayers of strength for the family are needed and coveted. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayers.
Additionally we offer prayers for Christian and all those who serve in the military; Pam, Betty Lou, Mark, Pat, Seth, Dj, Margaret, George, Arleen, Greg, Darryl, Billie, Dave McAlicher, Tim and Lisa Myers, and all those who we carry in our hearts and minds. Though the days are dark, The Light is about to break . Be well, children of God.