Good Morning, St Matthias. A few things in my head that I’d like to share. And don’r worry, the really bizarre stuff in my head will stay there. Moving on.
Worship Schedule : We are celebrating God among us at 9:30 on Sunday morning. And we are in-person and indoors. Those who feel more comfortable doing so may certainly wear masks. Hand sanitizer is available at the entrances, and communion is served by individual portions.
Throughout my time at St Matthias I plan to raise authors and voices that may not be on your radar. These are voices that I appreciate. Your milage will vary. Today I start this list with Pr. Nadia. Reverend Nadia Bolz-Weber is part of my call story. If I haven’t already mentioned her, (and I think I did ) I will . Pr. Nadia is everything I thought pastors couldn’t be or weren’t when I was a kid. And because she is all those things, I too can see myself as a pastor. I could write a few hundred words easily about Pr. Nadia, but just go to any of the number of websites and interviews about her.
I have all of her books, although I don’t have the recent edition of Pastrix. Pastrix is her first book, and in it she describes her journey to ministry, which frankly caught her off guard. I understand what that’s like. Having read all of her books as well as having heard her speak and preach I enjoy her writing and her use of language.
To which end I need to issue a Content Warning!!!!!!
Nadia talks like a trucker. Unapologetically. If you prefer not to hear such language, then definitely skip her page But if her language is rough it is also real. I appreciate her theology. I particularly appreciate her call to those in the margins, or as she says in The Corners. She is not favored by everyone who hears or reads her, , and I understand. But since Pr Nadia is part of my story and I’ve met her and heard her preach, she is first.
Prayers for the week
We lift before God and to Their mercy : All those affected by COVID 19, those whose lives have been changed by gun violence, those who mourn as an earthly life ends and those who rejoice as an earthly life begins. We particularly raise in prayer Christian and all those who serve in the military; Pam, Betty Lou, Mark, Pat, Seth, DJ. We pray for Margaret, Sally, George, Arleen, Greg, Charles, Carol, Darryl, Billie, Dave, Wayne and family, and the family and friends of Rev. Sharron Blezard. All these and all whose names are known only to God we lift to God, confident in Their love and mercy. AMEN.
Be well, good people. See you around.
Vicar David