Christ is risen! Alleluia!
We invite you to join us online for worship on this Fourth Sunday after Easter. For well over a thousand years, the Gospel reading for this Sunday has been Jesus claim and assurance that he is a Good Shepherd, protecting his flock even at the cost of his own life
Online Worship – We will have online worship this Sunday, April 25.
- Please note that we will plan to gather in person next Sunday, May 2, outdoors in front of St. Matthias for outdoor worship. We look forward to seeing you!
Worship will be available Sunday morning beginning at 9 a.m. by clicking on one of the following links:
(Please click on the video for April 25)
(20+) St Matthias Evangelical Lutheran Church | Facebook
(The video link will be at the top of the page – You do not need to have a Facebook account to view the worship service)
We invite you to follow along with our online worship using the bulletin and Celebrate inserts that are part of your “at-home” worship packet. You may also follow along with the words that are printed on the screen. If you have any questions or concerns, please Email me at
In-Person Worship – As April is typically a rainy and chilly month, we will resume in-person outdoor worship — just as we had last summer and this year for Easter — beginning Sunday, May 2. In the event that inclement weather will keep us from gathering, we will post a message on the church voice mail (717-245-2475) beginning at 6p.m. Saturday and will send an email blast out in the event that worship will not be held in-person because of weather. Online worship will be posted later in the afternoon on days we are unable to gather.
Vaccines – As more people in our community are getting vaccines, the numbers have been trending downward and we hope to see you in person soon. As of this past week, all people over the age of 16 are now eligible for the vaccine — If you haven’t yet received one, a list of available sites is located online at COVID-19 Vaccine ( – you may search by county or location nearest to you.
May Newsletter – A copy of the May newsletter was emailed and mailed out this past week with the latest news and upcoming programs and events. If you didn’t receive a copy and would like one, please email or you may pick up a printed copy next Sunday when we gather in person for worship.
Giving to St. Matthias – Although we aren’t gathering in person, bills to maintain our ministry and our building still continue. We are grateful for your continued offerings of time, talent, and treasure.
We have set up a secure online giving tool (endorsed by the ELCA and used by more than 4,000 churches) through Tithely. You may give online by clicking on the link below — and you may also use the site to set up recurring giving, where your gift will be automatically deducted on a day of your choosing. There’s also a green DONATE button at the bottom of this bulletin (and at the bottom of our website) that you nay click on to make a gift. If you have any questions on how to use this service, please let me know. THANK YOU for your continued support of St. Matthias and its ministry.
Prayer List – All those affected by Covid-19, all affected by gun violence in our nation, Christian M. (Marines) and all military service personnel, Joanne Spahr, Jacques, Pam, Betty Lou, Mark, Pat, Seth, DJ, Margaret, Sally, George, Arleen, Greg, Charles, Carol, Darryl, Billie, Wayne and family, Pat Hummel, Troy Snyder, Lisa Myers, family and friends of Donald Spahr, and all who ask for the Lord’s healing and mercy.
May peace and love be with you — and may you find peace in the Good Shepherd,
Vicar MJ