Dear Siblings in Christ,
Good morning, and I pray this finds you safe in the midst of the ice and snow that are swirling around outside.
Since we are not gathering in person for worship, we will be hosting an online Ash Wednesday evening service on Wednesday, February 17. It will be available to watch beginning at 6pm on YouTube and Facebook — you can access it using the same link you use for Sunday worship:
(71) St Matthias Lutheran Church Carlisle PA – YouTube – click on the video for Ash Wednesday.
A link to the worship bulletin is attached below:
We have delivered “Lent-at-home” worship packets ((special thanks to Bob and Karen Russell for their help). You will find a packet of ashes that you may use during the service, if you wish, or you may use a similar item that you may find in your home to symbolize ashes. A reminder that the ashes in the packet do have some olive oil added to them to help them “stick”, just as they have mixed with them when they are applied in person. Please don’t add water to them as ash mixed with water can cause irritation to the skin.
A reminder that we continue to worship online to help ensure the safety of our St. Matthias family and we invite you to worship at home with us. Worship will be available Sunday mornings beginning at 9am by clicking on one of the following links:
(71) St Matthias Lutheran Church Carlisle PA – YouTube
(20+) St Matthias Evangelical Lutheran Church | Facebook
(You do not need to have a Facebook account to view the worship service)
Until we resume in-person worship, we invite you to worship together with us each Sunday morning at 9am, or you may watch the worship service later at your convenience.
We will also be hosting a brief mid-week Lenten worship service through Zoom beginning at 7 p.m. next Wednesday, February 24 and continuing throughout the season of Lent. A brief tutorial on accessing Zoom is included below:
Accessing Zoom on your Computer or Smartphone:
Open your internet browser (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, etc.)
Find the zoom link below:
(If you already have Zoom installed, you can also enter the Meeting ID into your app: 978 052 2760 – a password isn’t needed)
Click on the link or copy it into your browser
If Zoon is not already installed, click on “Download Now”
After you’ve clicked that and Zoom is downloaded, click on the Zoom program at the bottom left of your screen to install it
Say “Yes” to allow the app to make changes to your machine
You should see a message “Installing Zoom” on your screen
After installation is complete, click “Launch meeting”
Click “Open Zoom Meeting”
You’ll see a message asking for you to wait for the host to let you in – please wait momentarily until the meeting begins and the host lets you in
Once you join in the meeting, you will see two buttons on the lower left of your screen – a , and share camera button and a mute/unmute button. You can share the camera and your image will be shown on the screen for everyone in the meeting to see (if you don’t want to be seen, you can click on unshare camera). You can also mute and unmute yourself – meeting participants are generally muted except when they are talking. The host can also mute participants if there is a lot of background noise.
When the meeting is over, click on the “Leave Meeting” button on the bottom right
Click “X” at the Post-Attendee Zoom window to exit out of Zoom
Accessing Zoom on your Telephone:
By phone (not toll free) – dial any number below and enter Meeting ID 978 052 2760 whenever you are prompted
+1 646 558 8656 +1 301 715 8592 +1 312 626 6799
Please note – since you are on a phone, you will not be able to view participants and they will not be able to see you, but you will be able to hear the meeting and participate.
- Although we aren’t gathering in person, bills to maintain our ministry and our building still continue. We have set up a secure online giving tool (endorsed by the ELCA and used by more than 4,000 churches) through Tithely. You may give online by clicking on the link below — and you may also use the site to set up recurring giving, where your gift will be automatically deducted on a day of your choosing. There’s also a green DONATE button at the bottom of this bulletin (and at the bottom of our website) that you nay click on to make a gift. If you have any questions on how to use this service, please let me know. THANK YOU for your continued support of St. Matthias and its ministry.
- You may also download the giving app through the following link: Giving App for iPhone or Android |
Here is the link to make a gift online to St. Matthias using the Tithely online giving site:
Prayer List:
All those affected by Covid-19, Christian M. (Marines) and all military service personnel, Don and Joanne, Jacques, Pam, Betty Lou, Mark, Pat, Seth, DJ, Margaret, Sally, George, Arleen, Greg, Charles, Carol, Darryl, Andrea, Wayne and family, family and friends of the Rev. Sterlen Sheaffer (Ruth Hoy’s brother), and all who ask for the Lord’s healing and mercy.
Vicar MJ