St. Matthias News

Dear Siblings in Christ,

Greetings to you on this sunshine-filled day. As I sit and type this message, we still don’t know who our next president will be. We’ve seen COVID-19 numbers reach all-time highs throughout our country, and we’ve witnessed division and unrest when we turn on the news or log onto social media. For many of us, it’s a time filled with anxiety…of uncertainty…as we look toward the future and wonder just what that future could look like.

But we are reminded that it’s also a time to be assured that we are governed by an authority that’s much higher, much greater than any earthly leader….by one who knows us and calls us by name and loves us beyond measure….by one who will not leave our side during what seems like dark times….who offers us peace that the world can’t offer.

Since most of our recent lectionary readings have been from the gospel of Matthew, I hope this verse provides you with reassurance of the peace and presence of our Lord:

We will plan to gather for worship at St. Matthias this coming Sunday at 9:30 a.m. inside the building. We hope you will join us!

On Sunday, our Gospel lesson will again be from Matthew as we return to the time following Pentecost in the church year. This week’s familiar parable about the “foolish bridesmaids” follows a series of warnings that the end of time will come unexpectedly, so that the hearers need to be prepared at every moment for the day when God makes everything right. Like many of the other parables Jesus tells, it also gives us a glimpse into what the kingdom of heaven will be like.


Please watch your email or mailbox for our November newsletter, which will include the proposed budget for 2021. Copies will also be available in the narthex. Please review the budget prior to our Annual Meeting on Dec. 6.

A reminder that we are collecting items for Community Cares, Safe Harbor, and Project Share. Items may be dropped off near the exit door. Thank you for your support!

Now that we have returned to in-person worship, please note that, because our sanctuary (including the balcony) can comfortably and safely accommodate around 20 people, we do offer several opportunities for worship to accommodate your needs and to help ensure a safe worship space:

  • Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. inside the building
  • Thursday evenings at 6 p.m. inside the building with Holy Communion. Instructions on how we will be communing will be announced at each service and placed in the worship bulletin.
  • Online worship, which is posted to our Facebook page and YouTube site Sunday afternoons following in-person worship.

Mark Your Calendar!

Every Thursday @ 6pm -Evening Prayer and Holy Communion Service. Please note – there will be no service Nov. 26 because of Thanksgiving.

Sunday, Nov. 8-Church Council meeting at 10:15am at the church

Tuesday, Nov. 11-Internship Committee meeting at 2pm at the church

Sunday, Nov. 15-Forum following worship., featuring the Rev. Dr. Martin Zimmann from United Lutheran Seminary

Wednesday, Nov. 25 @ 7pm-Joint Thanksgiving Eve worship service hosted by St. Matthew UCC

Sunday, Nov. 29-First Sunday of Advent

Sunday, Dec. 6-Annual Meeting with voting on budget and Council members

Prayer Requests:

Christian M. (Marines) and all military service personnel.

Don and Joanne, Jacques, Pam, Betty Lou, Mark, Pat, Seth, DJ, Margaret, Larry, Sally, George, Arleen, Greg, Billie, Terry, Takyra and family, Wayne and family, family and friends of Debbie, and all who ask for the Lord’s healing and mercy.

Please remember all those affected by COVID-19, those affected by fires, flooding, hurricanes and other natural disasters, those who are undergoing testing and medical procedures in the coming week, our LGBTQ+, black, brown, and indigenous siblings in Christ, and our government and world leaders. 

If you have an addition to the prayer list please email or call the church.

God’s Peace,

Vicar MJ

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