Dear friends in Christ,
After gathering together in person for a few weeks inside the sanctuary, I hope that everyone is feeling safe inside our worship space. While things may look and feel a bit different — you may find yourself needing to sit in a pew other than your “usual” one because of social distancing, it still feels odd not sharing peace or communing together, and we are definitely missing not being able to sing our favorite hymns — we are working to help keep everyone as safe as possible in our current environment. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation — if you have any questions or concerns about our worship time together, I am happy to talk to you. Please reach out to me via email (, give me a call at the church, or let’s find a chance to chat following worship!
We will plan to gather for worship at St. Matthias this coming Sunday at 9:30 a.m. inside the building. As morning temperatures are now too chilly for us to comfortably meet outside, we will now gather inside the building each week and practice social distancing with masks (which was listed in our October newsletter that you would have received last week).
For the last several weeks, we’ve heard the parables Jesus told following his Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem. These stories compare the religious leaders’ rejection of the Gospel with the joyful acceptance of it by tax collectors, prostitutes, and other outsiders. Further offended by this treatment, the leaders redouble their opposition to Jesus, as we will continue to see in Matthew’s gospel text this Sunday.
Mark Your Calendar!
Thursdays, Oct. 22, 29-Evening Prayer Service @ 6 p.m.
Sunday, Oct. 29-Reformation Sunday and Forum following worship. Don’t forget to wear your red to church as we celebrate the Reformation!
Sunday, Nov. 1-All Saints Sunday and Harvest Home Sunday. We will be collecting fresh fruits and vegetables to share with those in need through Safe Harbor.
Monday, Nov. 2-Church Council Meeting
A reminder that we are collecting items for Community Cares, Safe Harbor, and Project Share. Items may be dropped off near the exit door. Thank you for your support!
Now that we have returned to in-person worship, please note that, because our sanctuary (including the balcony) can comfortably and safely accommodate around 20 people, we do offer several opportunities for worship to accommodate your needs and to help ensure a safe worship space:
- Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. inside the building
- Thursday evenings at 6 p.m. inside the building. Please note that we will begin offering Holy Communion during Thursday prayer service beginning the first week of November for those who wish to partake.
- Virtual worship, which is posted to our Facebook page and YouTube site Sunday afternoons following worship
Prayer Requests:
Christian M. (Marines) and all military service personnel.
Don and Joanne, Jacques, Pam, Betty Lou, Mark, Pat, Seth, DJ, Margaret, Larry, Sally, George, Arleen, Greg, Billie, family and friends of Mary Lou, family and friends of Arleen, and all who ask for the Lord’s healing and mercy.
Please remember all those affected by COVID-19, those affected by natural disasters, those who are undergoing testing and medical procedures in the coming week, our LGBTQ+, black, brown, and indigenous siblings in Christ, and our government and world leaders.
If you have an addition to the prayer list please email or call the church.
Look forward to seeing you soon.
God’s peace,
Vicar MJ