St Matthias News

Dear Siblings in Christ,
I’ve received a few updates to our prayer list this week.
Treva’s brother Don is experiencing major medical complications this week, and so we continue to pray for Don & Joanne and family.
George has been in acute pain for the past month. We pray that the doctors may find the cause so they can treat it. And we pray for his family.
We also pray for the new vicar (and the old one) that God may grant a smooth transition for both of us and the congregation. I’m sad to be leaving you but am OVERWHELMINGLY EXCITED about your next vicar. I believe God has brought just the right person to St. Matthias for this next chapter. Letters have been mailed introducing the next vicar. Please let Sister Davia know if you haven’t received it.
A note on worship: Last night at Council, we decided to resume in-person worship on June 28th at 9:30am. We will gather outside if weather permits. In the event of rain, we will prepare the sanctuary for indoor seating with every other pew roped off, etc. Expect a message from council president Sister Davia with details on how we propose meeting together with safety precautions. PLEASE be a good steward of your body and health; if it seems too risky or you are feeling ill, it is best to stay home. We will record the services and post them online after the service for those who can’t join in person.
Also, an invitation from St. Matthew’s UCC:

Pavilion Guitar Jam and Kick Ball (Weather Permitting)

Every Tuesday Night in July starting at 7pm


Tell your friends.  We will stay distant, but we will be together.  Jamming.  Christian tunes, hymns, and probably some secular stuff, too.  Bring your family for a game of kick ball.  Bring a chair.  Bring a roasting stick and your own smore makin’s.  Bring some hot dogs and buns.  Bring a funny story to share.  Let’s have a fire and do it right.  You bring your food, you roast it, and handle it, and I’ll do the same with mine.  We can make these adjustments and still be together and be safe at the same time.


If you want to help, we’ll need a fire starter each week, wood, and I could use a kick ball, soft enough, Tom Brady style, so it won’t hurt the people we throw it at to make them out.


The church bathrooms will be open, but please remember to use a disinfecting wipe on the door handle after you exit.  Thank you.

May you be well till we meet again!

For Christian M. (Marines) and all service personnel.

For the family of Arlene Ringler (sister of Pat Hummel)

For the family and friends of Richard Terrace (best man of the Prates’)

For the family and friends of Richard Waibel (stepbrother of Jenny Prates)

For those in our community who are ill or recovering from illness this week, their friends, and the loved ones who care for them,

Don and Joanne, Jacques, Pam, Betty Lou, Mark, Pat, Judy, Seth, DJ, Margaret,  Larry, Sally, George
and all who ask the Lord’s healing and mercy.
Christ is Risen!
Vicar Tom

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