St. Matthias News

Dear Siblings in Christ,

I just received a prayer request from Pat Hummel. Her sister, Arlene, is in her final hours at West Shore Hospital.

Let us pray,

Arlene, our sister in the faith, we entrust you to God who created you. May you return to the one who formed us out of the dust of the earth. Surrounded by the angels and triumphant saints, may Christ come to meet you as you go forth from this life.

Christ, the Lord of glory, who was crucified for you, bring you freedom and peace.

Christ the High Priest, who has forgiven all your sins, keep you among his people.

Christ, the Son of God, who died for you, show you the glories of his eternal kingdom.

Christ the Good Shepherd, enfold you with his tender care. May you see your redeemer face to face and rejoice in God’s presence forever. Amen.

May you be well till we meet again.


For Christian M. (Marines) and all service personnel.

For the family of Arlene Ringler (sister of Pat Hummel)

For the family and friends of Richard Terrace (best man of the Prates’)

For the family and friends of Richard Waibel (stepbrother of Jenny Prates)

For those in our community who are ill or recovering from illness this week, their friends, and the loved ones who care for them,
Don and Joanne, Jacques, Pam, Betty Lou, Mark, Paula, Pat, Judy, Seth, Paula, DJ, Margaret, the Valezquez family, the Boyne family, the Hanes family, the Sherman family, the Sheaffer family, Marleen’s brother Larry (liver disease), Sally (friend of Kathy Gold)

and all who ask the Lord’s healing and mercy.

Christ is Risen!

Vicar Tom

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