St. Matthias News

Dear Siblings in Christ,

This coming Sunday is Good Shepherd Sunday. If all goes well, I will be filming this week’s devotional from a sheep farm. Stay tuned!
Some of you may be wondering when we will be returning to “normal.” I was in a Zoom meeting with the bishop today. At earliest, we will be able to meet in June. But the virus is dictating much of the timeline. The virus is surging in Cumberland county as of this writing, and with inconsistent quarantine regulations state to state it is feared that a second wave of virus cases may occur. And so, we continue to live into the present and adapt. Happily this is a congregation that continues to impress and inspire me in the ways you reach out and keep in touch with one another. Keep up this good ministry!
I continue to update our prayer list (below). I’m happy to report the Tracey Blanchard is well. I’ve also received an update from Marge who is doing well. And Pastor Tim’s Aunt Becky has recovered from the virus. We’ve received two prayer requests from the Prates family who lost loved ones the past two weeks. We also continue to pray for Marleen’s brother Larry.
Here is a bit of Music for your Thursday afternoon, played by an organist friend of mine who was originally scheduled to fill in for Marleen on Memorial Day weekend:
May you continue to be well until we meet again!

For Christian M. (Marines) and all service personnel.

For the family and friends of Richard Terrace (best man of the Prates’)

For the family and friends of Richard Waibel (stepbrother of Jenny Prates)

For those in our community who are ill or recovering from illness this week, their friends, and the loved ones who care for them,

Don and Joanne, Jacques, Pam, Betty Lou, Mark, Paula, Pat, Judy, Seth, Paula, DJ, Margaret, the Valezquez family, the Boyne family, the Hanes family, the Sherman family, the Sheaffer family, Marleen’s brother Larry (liver disease),
and all who ask the Lord’s healing and mercy.
Christ is Risen!
Vicar Tom

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